-- Word Warrior Editing --

Good News...
You've Found Your Editor!

You've done the hard work. Now, it's time to perfect it!

Be honest – how long did it take you to write that book? Six months, a year, two years…? 

No matter how long it took, the important thing is you finished it – congratulations!

But you don’t want all that time and hard work to be for nothing. After you’ve put all that blood, sweat and tears into finishing your manuscript, it’s time to edit it into a best-selling masterpiece.

And that’s where I come in!

Do you know what turns a good book into a great book? Editing!

Whether you’re sending it to agents or going down the self-publishing route, all manuscripts need a few rounds of editing to make them as perfect as possible.

Of course, all authors are capable of editing themselves, but the best edits come from someone experienced, pedantic, and objective – and that’s where an editor comes in!

I’m available for editing now – just ask me!

Editing Services

I welcome books of all genres but specialize in fantasy and sci-fi. I can also edit for all audiences, including adults, young adults and children (8+).

Contact me now for:
  • Developmental editing – Refines structure, plot, and character development
  • Line editing – Enhances clarity, flow, and style
  • Copy editing – Corrects grammar, syntax, and inconsistencies
  • Proofreading – Final check for minor errors and formatting issues
  • Formatting – Format the book so it’s ready to be published as an ebook or paperback
  • Book trailer – Get ahead of the marketing game with an eye-catching trailer

Meet Your New Editor

Matt Twinley

Hi, I’m Matt, a professional writer, editor, and fellow author ready to elevate your manuscript from great to unforgettable.


Why Me?

  • Author’s Insight: I’ve been right where you are now. I can speak your language and know precisely what matters most to you.
  • Former English Teacher: English teachers make the best editors! We’ve spent hundreds of hours correcting grammar errors and helping students improve.
  • Audience Expert: I know what keeps readers interested. I’m a voracious reader myself and can draw on my experience as an English teacher to know what captivates children and young adults.


I’m not here just to give you feedback. I want to make your manuscript the best it can be.

What am I really like?

  • Favourite colour: Blue
  • Favourite animal: Fox or octopus
  • Favourite genre: Fantasy adventure
  • Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
  • Pineapple on pizza? Never!