Discover the secret of the Trucekeepers...

Matt Twinley

Young adult fantasy author of The Trucekeeper Saga.

Freelance book editor and formatter.


Are YOU Writing a Book Too? Need Some Help?

Do you know what turns a good book into a great book?


Whether you’re sending it to agents or going down the self-publishing route, all manuscripts need a few rounds of editing to make them as perfect as possible.

Of course, all authors are capable of editing themselves, but the best edits come from someone experienced, pedantic, and objective – and that’s where an editor comes in!

I’m available for editing now – just ask me!

I welcome books of all genres for all audiences, but I specialize in the fantasy and sci-fi genres for children and young adults.

Contact me now for:
  • Developmental editing – refines structure, plot, and character development
  • Line editing – enhances clarity, flow, and style
  • Copy editing – corrects grammar, syntax, and inconsistencies 
  • Proofreading – final check for minor errors and formatting issues

Wish you had your very own blood crystal? You could be a Trucekeeper too…

Discover which rune best suits your personality and order your blood crystal now!

Matt is available for school events in the UK

Fun fact: I used to be an English teacher, and I love any opportunity to return to the classroom!

Teaching English can be tough. If you’re not careful, it can easily become another dull classroom-based subject where kids sit down, do grammar exercises, answer comprehension questions and try to stay awake…

Why not bring English to life with an author?

If there’s one thing I love more than writing, it’s talking to children about writing and books. I got my PGCE from the University of Buckingham and have experience teaching in a number of schools, so it’s just like having another teaching in the classroom.

I am on the DBS update service and offer both full-day and half-day visits to talk and work with your pupils to inspire them and get them started on their journeys to becoming the next bestselling author.

I am available to give talks about life as a writer, the publishing process, disabilities in literature and my journey as an author. I can also create bespoke talks and presentations if contacted a month in advance. I also offer workshops, signings and informal meet-and-greets with any aspiring young authors.

Any questions at alljust message me!

Get lost in a book and you'll never be truly lost again...

Matt Twinley